Why Ovenderful is, where it is today.


Many of you have seen the kind of note 2017 has started on , for Ovenderful. Receiving such a lot of recognition and appreciation is incredible, but also overwhelming. It also leads to a whole lot of soul – searching , at least for me it did. People will probably say that one should savour the moment – which I did. But when you realize the power of what you created it can be humbling.

The Ovenderful you see today seems to be lit up in all the success – But with all the adulation that has come, each time I have looked inwards to remind myself that this is not a story of Glory , it is a story of Grit.

I don’t say this for any reason except to simply share this experience with more people – many of who are struggling with a small / home based venture. So that they remember to stand tall each time the venture receives a setback and they understand that the sun rises and sets. Today it shines on one and tomorrow on the other – so don’t lose heart.

I baked only to raise funds or for social impact for the initial years – not because I wanted to have a story to tell. But because ,simply put, I believed in them and they in me.

I sold baked goods at prices that were laughable, so much so that those who ordered them told me to rework my prices – upwards. Not because I couldn’t price better but because the idea of completely monetizing what I had realized was a passion, seemed to reduce its value, to me.

So Ovenderful is where it is, only and only because of two things – the unchanging philosophy that it will always stand for social impact alongside being a venture and that it will dare to go where few will ( healthy baking ) even if the orders are few and far between.

And since Ovenderful has been like a baby to me, which I have spent love and time on, to nurture, it is only fitting that I share a recipe that is close to my heart – that of Lactation biscuits, which many new moms have found useful when they are feeding their babies.

Published first on : http://fitmoms.in/lactation-biscuits-recipe/




  • 1 cup Rolled Oats
  • ½ cup chopped Almonds
  • 1 tbsp Flax seeds
  • ½ cup organic Jaggery
  • ½ tbsp Fennel/Saunf Seeds
  • ¼ cup Ghee/Butter

Preparation method

  1. Grease a baking tray and keep it ready. Preheat the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for 10 minutes.
  2. Dry roast the oats and then grind them coarsely. Add the chopped almonds, flax seeds, fennel seeds to it and mix well.
  3. Add the organic jaggery – either as a powder or in grated form to the above dry mix. Mix it thoroughly to ensure that the jaggery has been spread uniformly. Then slowly add the ghee or butter ( at room temperature and soft). As the dough comes together, do not knead it. Just bring it together and then cling wrap the dough.
  4. Refrigerate it for 30 minutes. Take them out and shape them into whatever shape you prefer and place them on the baking tray. Then bake them at 180 degrees , for 15- 20 minutes.
  5. Allow them to cool off well and then remove them from the tray. Store them in air tight containers.




  1. Hi simrun baked your recipe of lactation cookies twice. The first time followed ur exact recipe but couldn’t get binding so added 1/2 cup wwf , some honey and they turned out nice but not soft cookies. The second time I added 1 cup of wwf , some organic honey and a tblspn of flax meal to it . The cookies turned out very crisp in fact slightly burnt .
    Can u help me what exactly I did wrong . I use a morphy Richards oven

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Karishma, instead of adding more wwf or honey ( since addition of a liquid sweetener can also impact texture somewhat) try adding a bit of ghee. WWF absorbs more moisture so it will do that with the batter if you add more of it. Also flax meal itself should be enough along with a tbsp of ghee to make the dough come together. Not sure about the burning bit, but jaggery does melt into the bake when the baking takes place – so you have to be very careful of it while baking.


  2. Hey Simran
    Tried these cookies today with regular quick oats and ghee …. But it got burnt from bottom and were flattened …. These were ready within 7to 8mins …. Couldn’t understand where I went wrong

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hey Apeksha I dont use quick or instant oats since they are highly refined but it could be the reason for the burning – quick oats are cooked much faster. But rolled oats and steel cut oats take a while to get done. The flattening is due to lack of enough refrigeration or too much fat – did you follow the proportion and the duration for those?


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